@article{radzina_novel_2023, title = {Novel radionuclides for use in Nuclear Medicine in Europe: where do we stand and where do we go?}, volume = {8}, issn = {2365-421X}, url = {https://ejnmmipharmchem.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41181-023-00211-5}, doi = {10.1186/s41181-023-00211-5}, shorttitle = {Novel radionuclides for use in Nuclear Medicine in Europe}, abstract = {Abstract Background In order to support the ongoing research across Europe to facilitate access to novel radionuclides, the {PRISMAP} consortium (European medical radionuclides programme) was established to offer the broadest catalog of non-conventional radionuclides for medical and translational research. The aim of this article is to introduce readers with current status of novel radionuclides in Europe. Main body A consortium questionnaire was disseminated through the {PRISMAP} consortium and user community, professional associations and preclinical/clinical end users in Europe and the current status of clinical end-users in nuclear medicine were identified. A total of 40 preclinical/clinical users institutions took part in the survey. Clinical end users currently use the following radionuclides in their studies: 177 Lu, 68  Ga, 111 In, 90 Y, other alpha emitters, 225 Ac, 64 Cu and Terbium isotopes. Radionuclides that would be of interest for users within the next 2–5 years are 64 Cu, Terbium radionuclide “family” and alpha emitters, such as 225 Ac. Conclusions Thanks to a questionnaire distributed by the {PRISMAP} consortium, the current status and needs of clinical end-users in nuclear medicine were identified.}, pages = {27}, number = {1}, journaltitle = {{EJNMMI} Radiopharmacy and Chemistry}, shortjournal = {{EJNMMI} radiopharm. chem.}, author = {Radzina, Maija and Saule, Laura and Mamis, Edgars and Koester, Ulli and Cocolios, Thomas Elias and Pajuste, Elina and Kalnina, Marika and Palskis, Kristaps and Sawitzki, Zoe and Talip, Zeynep and Jensen, Mikael and Duchemin, Charlotte and Leufgen, Kirsten and Stora, Thierry}, urldate = {2023-11-16}, date = {2023-10-12}, langid = {english}, keywords = {scientific-publication}, }