@report{vreys_prismap_2024, title = {{PRISMAP} Deliverable D1.2 - Standardised access procedures}, rights = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, url = {https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11109550}, abstract = {The objective of the deliverable D1.2.’Standardised access procedures’ is to establish a common {PRISMAP} accessprocess by standardising the access procedures for all {PRISMAP} production facilities ({TNA}2) and biomedicalfacilities ({TNA}2), ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.}, author = {Vreys, Ruth and Duchemin, Charlotte and Haddad, Ferid and Viertl, David and D'Alessandria, Calogero and Talip, Zeynep and Köster, Ulli}, urldate = {2024-06-12}, date = {2024-04-30}, langid = {english}, note = {Publisher: Zenodo}, keywords = {deliverable}, }