Apply for a user project

Our users are invited to submit their applications at any time between the opening of the call and the submission deadline via the PRISMAP online submission service.

The call PRISMAP-2024-1 closed on 15 October 2024. Hearings for proposals passing the evaluation threshold will take place on 19 November 2024. We aim to complete the evaluation process by 29 Nov 2024. The earliest project start date will be 15 Jan 2025, and all user projects need to be completed by 30 September 2025, with a latest project start date of 1 Sep 2025.

Priority for selection will be given to SME candidates or proof-of-concept experiments of 1-2 deliveries, in preparation of an initial clinical pilot phase in humans taking place after PRISMAP. We strongly recommend that all applicants get in contact with us via our help desk to discuss their project idea.

Travel, subsistence and local accomodation costs of users carrying out exoperiences in one of our biomedical facilities may be funded by PRISMAP.

The project application consists of two parts:

  • Part A is completed through the application form below. It includes the request for radionuclides and application services, a project overview and administrative information.
  • Part B contains a description of the proposed scientific user project, to be uploaded below as a PDF file. It will be submitted together with the application form.

For details, please refer to the application guidelines.