Through this "Academia meets industry event”, PRISMAP aims to inform the industrial and clinical communities about its services for the production of radionuclides and their use in translational research hubs.
We would like to assist users from industry and clinics in applying for these PRISMAP services and show potential applications and success stories.
16.00 | Opening, PRISMAP Questionnaire | Maija Radzina (LU) |
16.15 | Emerging therapeutic radioisotopes | Ulli Köster (ILL) |
16.30 | Sm-153 with high molar activity for targeted radionuclide therapy | Michiel van de Voorde (SCK CEN) |
16.45 | Challenges and opportunities in the production of RPs: industry perspective | Cristiana Goncalves Gameiro (IBA) |
17.00 | Preclinical imaging of challenging isotopes including alpha emitters for oncological applications | George Loudos (Bioemtech) |
17.15 | Discussions |