PRISMAP Young Scientist Event – November 2022

At the occasion of the PRISMAP Consortium Meeting 4, we brought together young scientists in person to share their work and passion with each other and with the rest of the consortium.

In preparation for the European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals, held in Verona from Thursday 24 November in the evening, we also proposed a pre-symposium to give the necessary context to young participants. Filipa Mendes discussed Preclinical evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals. In this lecture the basic aspects of preclinical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals were discussed. An overview of the several steps of in vitro and in vivo evaluation strategies were presented, as well as the cellular and animal models appropriate to study (targeted) radiopharmaceuticals.

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23—24 Nov 2022
23 November 2022
17.15–18.00: Poster session
24 November 2022
11.45–14.00: Lunch & poster session
14.00–16.00: Pre-ESRR Symposium (Room Rostagni)
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Legnaro National Laboratories
Viale dell'Università, 2
35020 Legnaro (Padova, Italy)

“Preclinical evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals”
Filipa Mendes, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisboa, Portugal

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Filipa Mendes is Assistant Researcher at the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (DECN) and member of the Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN) of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisboa, Portugal. She completed a PhD in Cellular Biology at the Faculty of Sciences of ULisboa in December 2004, with the experimental work performed as a visiting graduate student at the University of Virginia, USA. During the post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Health in Lisboa she received 2 awards: the Gulbenkian Award “Estímulo à Investigação” and the L'Oréal Medal of Honour for Women in Science.
She joined the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Group of IST in 2008, and her multidisciplinary scientific activity is focused in molecular imaging and therapy, and in particular in the pre-clinical evaluation of non-invasive cancer probes. She is interested in the biological assessment of radioactive compounds for cancer theranostics in advanced 3D cellular models. She participated in more than 20 national and EU projects, as co-PI, task supervisor or team member, and was/is the PI of 3 projects and 1 industry research contract. She is the author of 68 publications in peer-reviewed journals with over 1600 citations, 2 book chapters and more than 100 communications. Filipa Mendes has supervised 5 MSc and 1 PhD to completion and currently supervises/co-supervises 3 MSc and 3 PhD students.