Developing new radiopharmaceuticals is a long and challenging journey, and finding the right radionuclide supplier is one of the many obstacles researchers face. This is especially true when non-conventional radionuclides are required. To address this problem, PRISMAP aims to be your one-stop partner by centralizing all relevant information on our website, about all the non-conventional radionuclides we offer and their points of supply.
PRISMAP also aims to facilitate the delivery of those radionuclides to the broader scientific community. Therefore, we offer access to five fully equipped biomedical facilities for your research needs. Whether the half-life of your requested radionuclide doesn't allow for delivery to your lab in time or you don't have the right equipment or radioprotection authorization, our biomedical facilities are here to help you achieve your research goals. We can even offer support for conducting your first in-human clinical study. Learn more about our facilities in this newsletter and on our website.
PRISMAP is also about connecting people in our field through events like workshops, consortium meetings, young scientist gatherings, and summer schools. Check out our past and upcoming events in this newsletter and stay informed of the forthcoming meetings.
Our experts at PRISMAP are also producing new scientific outputs relevant for future research involving the PRISMAP radionuclides. For example, read in this issue how our partners are establishing more accurate half-lives of the terbium radionuclides or refining 225Ac production.
At PRISMAP, our priority is helping you to achieve your research objectives in the field of nuclear medicine. Read two testimonies from our users who received their first deliveries of radionuclides in this newsletter.
With the third call for projects starting now, it's the perfect time to see how PRISMAP can help you advance your research for the next generation of medical radiotracers. Visit our website to submit your project or contact the PRISMAP helpdesk for assistance.