MOOC: "At the heart of European medical radioactivity"

Course summary

This MOOC is offered in the framework of the European medical radionuclides programme PRISMAP.

It's intended for PhD students and young researchers in nuclear medicine. It provides participants with a common base of knowledge essential for a proper understanding of the concepts, activities and challenges of nuclear medicine, a field based on multidisciplinary involving several scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacy and digital sciences.

How to enroll

  1. Go to:
You must first accept the Extradoc tool terms and conditions. To do this, go to the bottom of the page and click on the blue button "I agree the CGU de la plateforme ExtraDoc"
  1. Fill in the required information on the account creation form and click on the "Create my new account" button
  2. Validate the creation of your account by visiting the link in the email that was sent to the email address you provided when you created your account
  3. Once your account is validated on Extradoc, go to:
  4. Enter " PRISMAP2023 " in the Enrolment key text box and click on the Enrol me button: bienvenue dans le MOOC PRISMAP

Table of Content


  • History of nuclear medicine
  • Medical uses of ionizing radiation
What is radioactivity ?
  • Journey to the heart of matter
  • The origins of radioactivity
  • The different types of radioactivity
  • Concepts in radiobiology
Production of radioactive isotopes
  • Cyclotron production: the example of Fluorine-18
  • Cyclotron production: the example of Astatine-211
  • Generator production: example of metastable
  • Technetium-99
Radiopharmaceuticals : definition and mode of action
  • What is a radiopharmaceutical?
  • How radiopharmaceuticals work : the concept of molecular targeting
  • Radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic applications
  • Radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic applications
Medical applications
  • Patient pathway – Diagnostic tests in conventional nuclear medicine: an example of bone and myocardial scintigraphy
  • Patient pathway – Diagnostic tests using positron emission tomography : example of FDG PET
  • Patient pathway – Therapeutic applications : an example of Iodine-131 radiotherapy
  • Contribution of nuclear medicine to personalized medicine
  • Contribution of nuclear medicine in the management of breast cancer
  • Use of ionizing radiation in external radiotherapy
  • Radiation protection : regulatory framework and theoretical data
  • Practical radiation protection
  • Perception of radioactivity, theoretical data
  • The hospitalization experience in a shielded room of patients with thyroid cancer treated with iodine-131