Challenges in nuclear medicine


This public event was organised at the Lisbon School of Medicine, in person only.

In the first session Portuguese and Spanish researchers presented their recent findings and invited to discuss challenges in nuclear medicine.

In the second session PRISMAP news, results from the project and its user projects and needs of the User Forum were in the focus.


Morning session: "challenges in nuclear medicine"
Chairs: António Paulo, Luís Costa
9.00 Welcome Luís Costa (Hospital de Santa Maria; Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Instituto de Medicina Molecular)
9.15 New approaches in cancer treatment: facts and expectations with medical radionuclides Luis Costa
9.45 Delivering on the promise of theranostics - a pillar of progress in IPO Porto Gonçalo Ferreira (IPO Porto)
10.10 Short break
10.25 ICNAS: 15 years of acceleration Francisco Alves (ICNAS—Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, University of Coimbra)
11.00 Phase 1 clinical trials with medical radionuclides Bernard Doger (START Madrid- Jimenez Diaz Foundation University Hospital)
11.30 Round table discussion Chairs: António Paulo, Luís Costa
12.30 Group photo
12.30 Lunch break
Afternoon session: "Recent findings of PRISMAP and its user projects"
Chair: Charlotte Duchemin
14.00 PRISMAP – a short introduction Thierry Stora (CERN)
14.15 Dedicated phantom measurements to develop and validate quantitative Ac-225-(micro)SPECT imaging Michel Koole (KULeuven)
14.45 Development of a single-domain antibody for nuclear imaging and therapy of mesothelin expressing tumours Alexis Broisat (INSERM)
15.15 Optimized cyclotron production of astatine: activity balance of At-211, At-210 and Po-210 after extraction chromatography Matthijs Sevenois (VUB)
15.45 Short break
16.15 Optimization of the radiotheragnostic concept: Investigations of the next generation radionuclides Cristina Müller (PSI)
16.45 News from PRISMAP Thomas Elias Cocolios (KULeuven)
17.15 Conclusions Charlotte Duchemin (CERN)
17.30 End of the meeting

Please fill this form to register for the PRISMAP public event (in-person participation only!)


28 November 2023
Lisbon School of Medicine
Aula Magna
Santa Maria Hospital Building
Avenida Professor Egas Moniz,
1649-028 Lisboa - Portugal
In-person participation only
Registration deadline:
23 November 2023
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