Our latest technological developments: targets, ion sources and isotope separation techniques for the production of medical radionuclides

Target design and target materials characterisation, ion sources, and isotope separation techniques are all fundamental aspects for the efficient production of medical radionuclides.

In the framework of the PRISMAP consortium many different R&D activities are ongoing and in the context of this public event the main results are accurately presented and discussed.

This event was organised in hybrid format in Legnaro (Padova, Italy) and remotely.

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the SPES ISOL target
the typical FEBIAD ion source architecture
22 Nov 2022 | 9.00—17.30 (CET)
Session 1 – Chair: Lucia Popescu
Innovative ISOL Targets for the production of medical radionuclides

Stefano Corradetti, INFN

Direct Targets for the production of medical radionuclides: an update

Ferid Haddad, ARRONAX

High Power Targetry @ GANIL

Gilles Defrance, GANIL

Characterization of target materials

António Pereira Gonçalves, IST-ID

Session 2 – Chair: Alberto Andrighetto
High throughput ion Sources for the production of medical radionuclides

Ralitsa Mancheva, CERN

Ion Sources developments at SCK CEN

Kim Rijpstra, SCK CEN

Visit at the SPES facility (in person only)For all on-site participants
Session 3 – Chair: Stefano Corradetti
Enrichment of Ca and Ti isotopes for theranostic Sc isotope production: an update

Thomas Elias Cocolios, KULeuven

Characterization of Ion Sources in terms of C-11 (isol production) capability

Claus Schmitzer, MedAustron

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Legnaro National Laboratories