PRISMAP – What's next?

As it is already a good tradition, we invited our user forum to participate in part of our bi-annual meeting. Once again, it was a pleasure to meet you and to share with you our latest news.

This time you learned about the outcomes of our second PRISMAP call for user projects, had the opportunity to listen to live testimonials of PRISMAP user projects, and found out what we are brewing for the next PRISMAP calls.

Moreover, we had the pleasure to count on the participation of other related European projects, which allowed us to discover their latest developments.

This event was organised in hybrid format, in Legnaro (Padova, Italy) or remotely.

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23 Nov 2022 | 14.30—17.15 (CET)
Part I: PRISMAP Call 2

Thierry Stora, CERN

Testimony 1

Alexis Broisat, Inserm

Testimony 2

Michelle Ma, KCL

Testimony 3

Constantin Mamat, HZDR Dresden

Part II: What’s new?
Unique selling points of the PRISMAP biomedical facilities

Koen Vermeulen, SCK CEN

The in-vitro generator Ba-128/Cs-128: a new calcium surrogate for treatment of osteosarcoma

David Viertl, CHUV

International collaboration is the heart of PRISMAP: the example of TUM

Calogero D’Alessandria, TUM

Part III: Related projects
An overview of the SINFONIA project with an emphasis on radiobiology research

Prof. Andrzej Wojcik, Stockholm University

Setting up of a theranostics centre

Ana Denis-Bacelar, NPL

Overall discussion

Thierry Stora, CERN

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Legnaro National Laboratories