Ag 111
7.45 d
β- 1.0...
γ 342, 245...

Chemical properties

Ag-111 is usually in monovalent state. Different cyclen based chelators have been reported .

Nuclear properties

Ag-111 decays by β- emission with a half-life of 7.45 days to stable Cd-111. It emits a medium energy β- spectrum with 350 keV average energy and 1037 keV maximum energy, similar to e.g. Re-186.

Moreover Ag-111 emits γ-rays at 342.1 keV (6.7%) making it SPECT-imageable with high-energy collimators.

The mean electron energy emitted per decay is 350 keV, the mean photon energy per decay is 26 keV .


Ag-111 is produced indirectly by thermal neutron irradiation of enriched Pd-110 targets in the research reactors of the PRISMAP network: RHF at ILL, BR2 at SCK CEN or MARIA at NCBJ. The short-lived Pd-111 produced upon neutron capture on Pd-110 decays quickly (T1/2=23.4 min) to Ag-111 via β-minus decay. A radiochemical Ag/Pd separation via ion exchange chromatography leads to n.c.a. Ag-111.


Radiochemical separations are performed at Hevesy Laboratory (DTU, Risø, Denmark). Activity will be shipped from there to the users in form of Ag+ solution.

Examples of use

  • Ag-111 labelled hydroxyapatite particles have been studied preclinically for radiosynovectomy .
  • An Ag-111 labelled carbene complex has been studied preclinically for biodistribution studies of silver-based antimicrobials .
  • Different methods have been studied to link Ag-111 to antibodies .
  • Ag-111 is suited for perturbed angular correlation studies, a highly sensitive technique to characterize the chemical state and chemical environment of silver bound in molecules .

Purity grades available


No carrier added (n.c.a.)

Production routePd-110(n,γ)Pd-111(β-)Ag-111
DaughterDecays to stable Cd-111: 100% β-
Half-life7.45 d
ProcessingIon exchange chromatography
Primary Container2.5 mL borosilicate glass V-vial with silicon rubber screw cap
Product Graden.c.a.
Physical FormLiquid
Chemical FormAg+ ion in water or weak (<0.1 M) HCl solution (1-2 ml)
Radioactive Concentration (gamma spectrometry)n.a.
AppearanceClear colourless solution
Radionuclide identification (gamma spectrometry)245 keV and 342 keV gamma lines present
Radionuclidic Purity (gamma spectrometry)>99%
Chemical purity (ICP-OES)n.a.
Molar activity (ICP-OES)n.a.
Apparent Molar Activityn.a.
Microbiological qualityBioburden and endotoxin burden can be analysed post release, upon request.
Bacterial endotoxinBioburden and endotoxin burden can be analysed post release, upon request.
pH (pH strips)Depends on chemical form
Additional information
Activity available~1 GBq (more to be discussed), few times per year (planning in advance)
Activity limit for UN2910 (excepted package) shipment0.6 GBq in dry state or 60 MBq in liquid form
Other information


  • β-therapy

Point of supply

  • Risø, Denmark

Involved production facilities

SCK CEN, Belgium
ILL, France
NCBJ, Poland
DTU, Denmark

Involved biomedical facilities

To find out in which biomedical facilities you can use this radionuclide, contact the helpdesk.
